Descargar Ebook CMF Design: The Fundamental Principles of Colour, Material and Finish Design: the fundamental priciples of colour, material and finish design de Liliana Becerra PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis
[Download] CMF Design: The Fundamental Principles of Colour, Material and Finish Design: the fundamental priciples of colour, material and finish design de Liliana Becerra libros ebooks, CMF Design: The Fundamental Principles of Colour, Material and Finish Design: the fundamental priciples of colour, material and finish design espanol pdf
CMF Design: The Fundamental Principles of Colour, Material and Finish Design: the fundamental priciples of colour, material and finish design de Liliana Becerra
Descripción - Reseña del editor CMF Design focuses on general key fundamental principles and processes of the use of colours, materials and finishes design as they apply to consumer products and consumer goods. It is also an overview of the different industries, the areas of expertise that professionals need to master, an overview of its emotional and functional context, and a step-by-step guide to the CMF process. This book focuses on each of the subjects: the key functional and practical aspects of colours, and an overview of their perceptions and associations according to culture and context. It also comprises 4 chapters each showcasing a different case study where materials have been used or created as the main design driver: Sustainability, Design Innovation, Manufacturing Process, and Product Strategy. CMF Design also gathers a series of the most commonly used materials and finishing technologies with their corresponding benefits, with an overview of the “dos and don’ts” when it comes to aesthetic and functional finishing design principles. Biografía del autor Liliana is an independent design strategist, professor, writer and curator based in Los Angeles California. Through STUDIO LILIANA BECERRA Inc. Liliana and her team of global experts advise Fortune 500 companies and brands on the recognition of global insights, emerging trends and their articulation into strategic design opportunities. Liliana is also Faculty member of the Product Design department at Art Center College of Design in California, where she teaches design research, design insights and color, material & finish design.
Detalles del Libro
- Name: CMF Design: The Fundamental Principles of Colour, Material and Finish Design: the fundamental priciples of colour, material and finish design
- Autor: Liliana Becerra
- Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografía,Arquitectura
- Tamaño del archivo: 14 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
Descargar Gratis CMF Design: The Fundamental Principles of Colour, Material and Finish Design: the fundamental priciples of colour, material and finish design de Liliana Becerra PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis
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